Computer Peripherals

The documents linked to on this page are pdf versions of a 3rd year undergraduate course called "Computer Peripherals" at Nanyang Technological Unitersity, Singapore.  The course covered various topics relevant to modern computers (at that time), such as displays, buses, printers, keyboards, storage devices etc... The course is no longer running.

The material has been compiled from various sources and various people.  Further reading is suggested at the end of each chapter.  Although I was involved at one time in supervising labs and tutorials for this subject, I can not claim any of the credit for this information: the details presented here are for informational purposes only in the hope that they may be useful to someone.  My thanks go to Dr Kwoh for his help in making this available.

A final note: since I do not claim any copyright, third parties downloading the material agree to not assert any copyright on the material. If you use this for any commercial purpose, I hope you would remember where you found it.

Also, please consider buying a copy of my latest book:
It's a humerous story of the website author moving to Singapore
and trying to adapt to a new life in that country.
It's over 150 pages, and costs only 5 dollars or so
(click on the picture to go to Kobo Books Inc and purchase it).

Chapter 0: Introduction Chapter 9: Partial Response Maximum Likelihood (PRML)
Chapter 1: Computer Buses (and some extra USB info) Chapter 10: Hard Disk Drives
Chapter 2: Display Systems Chapter 11: Magnetic Ta[e
Chapter 3: Liquid Crystal Displays & Plasmatron Chapter 12: Optical Disks
Chapter 4: Keyboards Chapter 13: Impact Printers
Chapter 5: Mouse & Trackball Chapter 14: Laser Printers
Chapter 6: Bar codes Chapter 15: Inkjet Printers
Chapter 7: Magnetic Recording Fundamentals Chapter 16: Thermal Printers
Chapter 8: Floppy Disk Drives


IVM 16/10/2001 (E&OE)